October 23, 2024

Te Ohu Tamaki Community Alliance Launch


Te Ohu Whakawhanaunga Tamaki Makaurau is a broad-based organisation of over 40 faith, union, and community organisations, building relationships and working together across religious, political, cultural lines to have a seat at the decision-making table on the issues that matter to us.

One of the major challenges facing our communities is Housing. Everywhere we go, the housing crisis is having an impact. Because of this, Housing has become a core workstream of our community alliance, and we have agreed to launch our alliance with a focus on the Right to a Decent Home.

This year’s focus on housing

The focus of our alliance for this election is to build a relationship with political leaders to work together on solving the housing crisis. Too often a strong community voice is left out of decision when it comes to our housing system. Te Ohu Tamaki is a united voice that can have a seat at that table.

As well as this, we want to continue the role of public housing in our city as getting people into homes. Our member organisations have seen the success of Public Housing in their community, as it plays an important role in ensuring people’s Right to a Decent Home is being met. Te Ohu Tamaki wants to see the role of Public Housing continue, and be built on, in addition to other important models and programmes too.

The 2023 Election Call to Action from Te Ohu Tamaki is:

If elected, do you commit in your term:

1. To continue to increase the state/public housing stock in Tamaki Makaurau by building new stock at least at the current net build rate of 1000 houses a year.

This figure is based on the current build rate and investment in Public Housing in Auckland planned until 2024. The call to action here is to continue the investment in new construction.

2. To meet with representatives of Te Ohu Tamaki on a quarterly basis to build a relationship between community and Government, and discuss matters relating to the Right to a Decent Home in Auckland.

We would like to establish a working relationship with all political parties beginning in the next Parliamentary term.

For any questions, concerns, or queries, please do not hesitate to contact Marlon Drake at 02102332471, or over email at marlon@teohu.community


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