Vale John O’Neill
Respected retired seafarer John O’Neill passed away on 22 January 2024 after a short illness.
John is known as a great unionist, representing the Seamen’s Union, Seafarers Union, and Maritime Union as Dunedin Vice President 1969, Lyttelton Secretary 1971, Auckland Seagoing Councillor 1974, Relieving Assistant Secretary 1975, Auckland Seagoing Councillor 1978, Auckland Assistant Secretary 1982-1984, National Councillor & National Vice President to 2002, Auckland President & Vice President 2004 to 2012.
John also loved his time at sea where his leadership qualities were evident leading as ships Bosun, ships union delegate, seamanship skills, negotiation skills and mentoring the youth of the industry.
Our deepest condolences to John’s wife Julie and whanau at their loss.
(Thanks to Local 13 President Hector Thorpe for obituary and picture)
Missing you already John. As a respected leader, mentor, and father, you have contributed so much to so many – and you stood firm when others tended to shake…safe journey Matua ???